Parents and carers / Safeguarding
Our commitment
We believe in the overarching principle that children should be afforded a life free from harm.
The principle never changes: children must be protected from harm. The application of how we implement that principle must constantly adapt as culture evolves and risks change.
We acknowledge our duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We are committed to ensuring safeguarding practices reflect statutory responsibilities and government guidance, and comply with best practice and Charity Commission requirements.
We believe it is the role and responsibility of society to properly challenge any scenario where it is clear that harm to children is taking place and/or being denied, tolerated, facilitated or wilfully ignored.
We recognise that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances.
Within Vision, our aim is that all children have a positive and enjoyable experience in a safe and child-centred environment, and are protected from any form of harm.
We acknowledge that some children can be particularly vulnerable to abuse and we accept the responsibility to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure their welfare.
Our priorities
Our safeguarding priorities are:
To promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children.
To ensure each team member understands their responsibilities and is trained to recognise and report signs of harm.
To ensure appropriate action is taken in response to incidents or concerns, and that support is provided to the individual(s) who raised or disclosed details.
To ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored according to statutory guidance.
To ensure systems are in place to prevent unsuitable individuals from working or volunteering for the charity.
To ensure comprehensive safeguarding arrangements and procedures are in operation for all events and activities.
Our objectives
Our safeguarding objectives are:
To see that robust, transparent and effective child protection systems are in place.
To see that child protection disclosures are not ignored, covered up, or suppressed.
To see mandatory reporting of any concerns.
To fulfil the Safer Pledge to (1) Speak up, (2) Put survivors first, (3) Conceal nothing, (4) Take responsibility, (5) Make change happen, and (6) Hold each other accountable.
Policies and training
To ensure the priorities and objectives in this statement are realised, Vision has created a Safeguarding Pack for team members which includes detailed policies, procedures and training materials. Our policies and procedures are mandatory; failure to comply will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal and/or referrals to outside agencies and authorities.
All Vision team members must obtain an enhanced background check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS Check) before working with under 18s.
Contact our team
To contact our Safeguarding Team, please email